Connect on a deeper level!
Connect on a deeper level!
1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence.
(We believe in God)
2. We believe that the phenomena of nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence. (God is expressed through all Nature.)
3. We affirm a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith, constitutes true religion.
(True religion is living in obedience to Nature's Laws.)
4. We affirm that the existence, and the personal identity, of the individual continues after the change called death. (We never die.)
5. We affirm that the communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.
(We can talk with the people in the Spirit world.)
6. We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: "Whatsoever ye would that others would do unto you, do ye also unto them."
(Be kind, do good, and others will do likewise.)
7. We affirm the moral responsibility of the individual, and that he makes his own happiness or unhappiness as he obeys or disobeys Nature's Physical and Spiritual Laws.
(We bring unhappiness to ourselves by the errors we make, and we will be happy if we obey the laws of Nature.)
8. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul, here or hereafter.
(Everyday is a new beginning.)
9. We affirm that the Precepts of Prophecy contained in the Bible are a Divine attribute proven through Mediumship.
(God speaks to man, through man in the past, present and future.)
* (Children's version)
Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy & Religion of Continuous Life based on communication with this life and the Spirit World.
The Officers & Members of Snowflake extend a warm WELCOME to everyone to share our spiritual blessings and to learn about the beautiful teachings of Spiritualism. There is so much more than you may realize.
President--Rev. Patricia Crawford
Vice President & Pastor Rev. John Stants
Secretary--Randy Wing
Asst. Secretary--Kathryn Ryan
Treasurer--Kevin Wing
Trustee--Glen Crawford
Trustee--Teri Homan
Trustee--Jim O'Neal
Trustee--Rachel Platt
Trustee--David Ryan
Alternate Trustee--Carrie Ryan
Alternate Trustee--Mark Lowis
Alternate Trustee--Shelley Lowis
Alternate Trustee--Rev. Karol Stants
Mission Statement:
~ We exist as a peaceful, natural sanctuary for the mind, body & soul of its members & friends,
~ As an educational facility in the pursuit of knowledge & practice of Spiritualism as a religion, philosophy & science,
~ While reaching out to the community in God's Light and Love.
Contact Cell phones:
Rev. Pat Crawford, President: 231-631-1944
Pastor Rev. John Stants, V.P.: 352-563-8047
Enjoy church services inside or outdoors. Come inside & enjoy climate controlled temperatures. We also have good speakers outside so you may enjoy the entire service of words & music sitting outdoors in the fresh air. Bring your own chair or use one of ours. 😊
SUNDAYS - starting May 25 2025 through October 5, 2025
10:00 AM: Healing Service
10:30 AM: Worship Service
Starting June 15 thru August 17 Pot Luck Lunch
12:15 PM: Pot Luck Supper at the Lodge Porch
***No regular Evening Services this year***
the 1st Sunday evening of each month on the following dates:
June 1, July 6, and August 3
WEEK DAYS -- June 16--August 19, 2025
Mondays: OPEN
Tuesdays: 7:00--8:00 PM Speaker's Choice class
Wednesdays: Outdoors at the Lodge Porch
10:00 AM Bible Study - Book of DANIEL
1:30 PM Spiritual HEALING - How to...
followed by a short meditation & sharing
Thursdays: OPEN
Fridays: 7:00--8:00 PM - Meditation/Message CIRCLE
**Last Circle for 2025 is Aug 15 ** in the Church
Saturdays: OPEN
Church closes Sunday after morning service on Oct. 05, 2025 for 2025.
See "SPECIAL EVENTS" pages for more happenings 😁
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